Saturday, December 5, 2009

How can I tell my friend he can't sing?

Ok, this is gonna sound really reversed in a sec but bear with this.Me and my friend are in the musical, Children of Eden. He got the part of Adam and I got Cain. This was my first year ever in musical (and I wasn't expecting much being my first time ever doing a musical) and it's been his 3rd. His parents have been making some of the sets for the past 3 musicals and I feel that his given role has a bit to do w/ that. He also can't sing, the whole cast of 40+ people all talk about it behind his back. He often goes really flat when singing. He's an ok actor. The only thing he needs to do is pump some emotion into what he's saying. I tried talking to him about his singing and he said he would be fine in a way that he didn't want to talk about it. I don't want to offend him really but I don't want him to worsen the musical. Oh yeah, it's at our high school.

How can I tell my friend he can't sing?imax theatre

you already told him, let it go and don't push the point, if it comes down to it and he get's hurt, just be a friend, also don't stand around and listen to people bad mouth him, if they start in around you just tell them stop or walk away, let them know he is your friend and you don't appreciate it.

How can I tell my friend he can't sing?performing show opera theater

tell him straight forward "dude u cant sing" with friends honesty is the best policy.
Maybe you should tell a teacher about it? That way the teacher can do your dirty work, you wont have to suffer your friend's consequences, and teachers will keep your name confidential. Maybe the teacher could then reccommend some singing lessons or a coach from your drama/music department. If that doesnt work, maybe make a fake email adress and email him how all the kids talk about him behind his back and you just dont want to be rude.

If all those sound bad, then maybe you just need to be the one to pull him privately in a room and say, listen, i'm your friend so this is why i'm going to tell you. everyone is making fun of you because you cant sing very well. I really dont want you to embarrass yourself in front of the audiance and school...

also suggest someone else sings during his solo's. he can lipsinc to it and someone can be behind the curtain singing!

Honestly is the best Policy. I've been doing plays my whole life, and if you want to be in acting, you have to take the critique's, and count on your friends to tell u if your doing horrible. Maybe you could give him a few pointers? practice outside of rehearsals?? pretend YOU need the help but.. without him knowing, kinda help him out??

one last thing u can try is record his rehearsal. and then sit down with him and show him. ask him if thats really what he wants the whole school or audiance to hear. he might just wake up and smell the coffee!!

I hope I helped -- Good Luck!
Be careful, he may turn out to be a great singer.
Take a video of him singing and play it back for him. You won't have to say a word.
just tell him. If hes a good friend he will understand. be sincere dont just yell it, although that would be funny.
Why is it your job to tell him? Isn't there a director and/or faculty sponsor overseeing this project? Making sure that members of the cast do what they are supposed to is their job. It sounds like you already tried to talk to your friend and he was not receptive. Anything else you say will just stir up bad feelings. Leave it alone.
just tell him that you will help him practice.

tell him that he's a tiny bit off key...

help him.
say "hey who sings that song?" they respond "so and so" then you say "lets keep it that way" then laugh so its kinda like a joke but then say "seriously. stop please"
Try to talk him into recording himself singing first and play it back. He might realize it on his own if he can hear it like everyone else does.
tell your friend, to listen to me sing, and then he will know he can,t sing,

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